Emotions are strong. I have very strong emotions. My teacher at ASU said I had bad self control. To be ruled by emotions like that-- to CRY- ? - when your emotions boil hot or whirl in a snowstorm-- is a loss of self-control.
NO WAY!! I think differently! Emotions are beautiful! What is it that makes people think we need to hide emotions? What is it, Mr. Music Sensei, that is wrong with sparkling tears, welling up from your insides, reddening your face, making sad noises slip out of your mouth, pushed out by overwhelming feelings? What is wrong with red-hot anger? Is there something unexpected about the feeling of total confusion? Those are powerful emotions, and they are real. There's no reason to hide what you feel-- what exists inside your heart! Even if you don't want to share your feelings with those around you, USE THEM! Use those feelings burning inside you, don't hide them from yourself too. Those feelings could take you somewhere-- to a career, to true love, to new ideas, inventions, lights, shining tower-spires, beyond the clouds, blue space, and beyond to what humans do not comprehend!
And. To feel that welling up in your chest when you are sad or angry-- that is GOOD! It's LIVING. You SHOULD be astounded, bewildered, and staggered. If you know how to send those emotions in the right direction-- up and flying, instead of weighing you down, pulling-- then you can DO something with them!
I want to use my emotions, their strength, the colors I love in nature, music that sends me flying, the stories I love and the characters that remind me of real people, my anger about things I can't change, EVERYTHING!-- to go where I am meant to go!
Aaagh! Dramatic!! :) Good.
Hmm-- I don't need to change myself as much as I thought. I've found my strengths-- I can use those. I am good at randomly jumping into tasks? Okay then! I'll RANDOMLY JUMP. I'll hurry when I feel like it. I'll run when I want to RUN! I won't keep WORRYING when others think I'm wrong-- I'll do what I think I should. I'm going to let my emotions pull me! (With some common sense mixed in:) It doesn't have to be so hard, so thought out, or pre-analyzed. I can be... who I want to be. I can be pristine and on-time receptionist, or an artist who paints flowers on hillsides, or a video game addict. No. More. Worrying. It. will. be. okay.
I suppose not everybody feels this way. I am being a bit of a drama queen, I know. And if you don't feel this way, that's okay too. But ALL humans DO have emotions. They are there for feeling, not for ignoring. Where I grew up in America, or at least, from the people I know... it seems like we think emotions are more of a handicap and a distraction than anything else. Not cool.... :0
I never thought about it that way. It actually sounds very true! Very inspiring words there.