Important details: I have less than fifty pounds to lose, so, not too much.
start: 197
current: 163.8

goal: 134 or 151... something like that ;)

POSITIVE: for a boost in my action-power
1. The bathtub will be bigger. XD
2. I'll fit better in small places! (ninja style sneaker....)
3. I can sneak around corners and through smaller openings.(caving for instance .. :-/ )
4. I'll be able to put on ALL my old clothes, and look VERY cute in them.
7. I can THROW OUT!!! all my clothes that SUCK -- I'll say, "This is as good as it's gonna get."  and then TRASH crappy outfits.
5. Buy pants!
6. colored bobby pins, buy online!
9. dReSsEs!
10. My hands will be more delicately shaped.
11. My JOINTS will be HEALTHY.
12. I can show Mom that I can do it, and Teddy, and Daddy-slash-Mr. Stubborn-meanie doesn't think I can do it.
13. For the feeling when I walk in the room, and I'm DIFFERENT-- new clothes, new hair, and I'm perfectly confident in myself.19. Tiny calves for my ski boots.
14. after working out: I'll be more lithe and graceful.

NEGATIVE: for a boost in motivation
1. My blood pressure is getting too high.
2. I could get sick and die sooner. I may be using up my life just because of unhealthy actions I let happen.
3. I get swelling, I have bad circulation, it would maybe get better.
4. I eat too much sugar and fatty snacks, I get headaches, acne, don't feel well, eat before bed and can't sleep, allergies. Some of these could improve.
5. When I don't lose weight, which is 99,9% of the time, I'm not pushing hard enough-- there is a reserve I haven't tapped, and it's ten times the size of what I think I have. No weight loss?