Friday, May 21, 2010

To keep from slipping backward into nothing

1 - keep going, don't stop because you're tired.

2 - don't pretend that time doesn't exist. Deadlines are coming. Stop (obtain true calm) before you run away to hide and forget. Acknowledge the truth.

3 - You have to sleep. You can't wake up if you don't go to bed. So workout before 2pm and go to bed early. If it's late, go to bed. Just stop what you're doing and go. You have to sleep.

4 - don't be afraid. that fear starts fires from sparks visible only through the broken mirror of your mind.

5 - prepare so you are ready to be where you need to. this WILL take time. So, push yourself with imaginary deadlines, but don't do these things right before the teacher wants them, do them days earlier than that.

(therefore:) PRIOIRITIES

workout before 2pm

sleep after 9-11pm (730 earliest wakeup)

wake before 900am

obtain true calm before hiding! or instead of.

Studies, do them early, do not use the excuse of being tired, remember that you would finish if you would start.

notes: 9pm-9am is broad but 11pm to 730 is quite good --and if I change it-- it will conflict with studies, social/people being up, and I need to over-plan my sleep time if I'm going to be working out, for healing.

This is a big deal. Point 2 could save me.

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