Monday, May 31, 2010


Um.... so I stayed up all night. And I simply adore the feeling of looking out at the morning light and feeling the clean rainy air. Not because it's morning, with all that promise and yuk, but more simply, at least the way I feel now, is that it means I have all day to get things done. I like night, but night bothers me because I know that at some indefinite time, I will have to discontinue my activities and give up my brain for eight plus hours. It's annoying! I mean, it's inconvenient. Or... bothersome. Yeah.

arrrgh! somebody's alarm is going off. I mean, it's not that loud... and probably somewhere on one of the floors below me. It's quite humorous, actually, how often alarms go off during vacation time. People always forget to un-set their wake-up clocks! Sillies. It's just, I don't know, telling me to wake up, ya? Nobody likes alarm clocks. They are bad omens, monsters, itchy, little squeaking... cursed technological inventions!! and disturbances of beautiful cloud-like, floating peace....

Anyway, the reason I am writing at this time is to mention that getting up in the morning is invigorating, but only if you've had enough sleep!!! If I caught up on sleep, then got 8-10 hours of sleep every night, that would be (1) healthy (2) jumping (3) schedule fixing (4) fabulous, etc. So going to bed early, really, should be essential!!! (That's why I want to room alone next year. It's a lot of extra money when you add up the entire eight months, but I could go to bed when I was tired, without having a roommate who stays up until midnight.)

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