Friday, May 21, 2010

New layout again!

I guess I should be posting mini pictures or something of these layouts, because otherwise the reader won't be able to tell what I'm talking about if this post isn't new anymore. Here's what it looks like.

This character is Ulquiorra, Espada number four, from BLEACH. He's one of the bad guys... regardless of how undeniably cool he is. At least at the part I'm at in the episodes, he's an enemy. I think he might get killed by Ichigo later (that's sad). But I don't know for sure.

I spent a little time on this... that I should have spent on something else! AAARGH. I have to go write my paper on "The Yellow Wall-paper." It's not like I don't like writing papers. I just like doing other things better. I'm working on the enthusiasm though.

Okay. The rule I need to remember is:

Use your time to finish your work before you take a break. If you take a break in the middle of working, then instead you should quit very early and start/finish your work. If you don't do this, you will NOT get anything done. This should be quite clear.

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