Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So. My interview. It was really really good! It probably helped that I bought new pants for it. I felt pretty. The rep guy gave me good advice, told me about prerequisites, when to take the MCAT, what prep programs there are, and how community college is a really really stupid idea.... He didn't put it that way. It's just what I have decided. Community college might be worth it for the money, but I'm going to have to take out a zillion loans anyway, and if the education doesn't match up, none of those cheaper classes are worth it. The sciences, at least, I will take at Atlantis. Things to take to fill up my bachelor degree, that's a different story, I'm supposing.

I don't mean to say that going to community college is a bad thing. I feel kind of bad saying that, because I know a lot of people go in that direction because it saves them money and the education is often still quite excellent. It's just that if I, as a wannabe medical student, choose community college classes to make up my prerequisites, I will have a MUCH harder time of getting accepted. The rule is that once you go to a regular university or college, going to community college is considered a level down-- ALWAYS-- in a med-school applicant-reviewer's eyes. Yes, they ARE promoting education for sale and all that prestigious pay-tons-of-money-to-get-a-good-job thing, which is unfair.... But really, it DOES cost a lot of $money$ to run a good college. I think we (complainers regarding college cost) need to give them a break and just take out some loans already to get into good colleges! Of course, that's easy for me to say, since I'll have, somewhat, the means to pay those loans off, once I finish a medical education. :-/ But anyway....

He also said that the way I'm going about this is mature, especially that I'm planning on three more years in college--I'm a junior THIS years--so that means I'd have gone to Atlantis State for a total of six years, when I (theoretically) could have finished in four. But he says that he approves of my plan, and although while he obviously can't guarantee anything, he says it's going well so far. He took my picture so he would remember me.

My palms and fingers were sweaty when I shook his hand. But I know what classes to take next! I know I can do it, too! And I loved the part about how he said I was mature!! EEEEK! I'm going to do this.... I. am going. to do this.

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