Wednesday, May 19, 2010

aaaaagh so tired.

Yah like I said, I'm tired. I got a new phone! That's really fun for me to think about... it's red. I stole it from someone, actually, well, she had to relinquish it too me because she hadn't really paid my mother for it, and it was on OUR family contract... so it's kind of sad how I am the victor and own the phone, and she lost.... Eventually, I'll feel like it's mine, I guess.

So, what are my thoughts, in an organized fashion? Written down, so that the writing of them might benefit me as to better understand my decisions and how to improve bad habits?...

Today I had an essay due at 11am, but I didn't go to class when it was due, 'cause I wasn't done. It turns out that late papers are completely non-acceptable in this particular English class. So.... I emailed the teacher about it, but next time:
1. Do papers waay ahead, because you don't know how much time you'll need, to put it simply. Especially is yr mom is coming to visit you, you don't want to have to do homework!!

This summer, I want to work, and take german classes online, and practice the piano. I think I might be trying to do too many things.... should I look for a job anyway? A job is a point of all this education anyway, right? So sure, it's good to do in theory.... but maybe a job is not the bestest idea. How about I try to get a job that is scrunched up into one part of the week, like I have SUN, MON, TUE, WED or something. DO NOT COMPROMISE AND TELL EMPLOYERS THAT I DON'T MIND WORKING FULL-TIME!!! I am ONLY looking for a part-time job and it needs to be VERY VERY close to home, preferably so that I can BIKE instead of drive.

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