Sunday, May 30, 2010

A real schedule I will follow.

1. brush and floss your teeth.

2. follow your schedule and get lots of things done. catch up with stuff. seriously, that means getting it done. ALL OF IT. This will be OVER. This part, anyway, for now.

3. lose three pounds by friday. (june 4)

4. pray and read the Bible before bed.

5. use less than $29.99 every week. i.e. don't shop more this week.

6. keep room clean. or clean it.

HOW TO PRACTICALLY START THIS SCHEDULE: [right now, not tomorrow, not this summer, not next week, etc. Right NOW.]


1. go brush teeth and wash face at 2230. Head to bed sooner than 2300. If it happens to be later, hurry up. Stay in bed if you can't sleep.

2. wake up at 7:30 am, and don't go back to sleep. (!!!) You MUST head upstairs with either (1) your devotional materials or (2) workout clothes and your ipod.

3. workout! take it easy the first time. The important thing is to stay up. You don't even have to work out for the first week, you can read instead. But you MUST NOT go back to sleep. You MUST read devotional materials.

4. when it comes time to study, don't stop to do something else first. Gather ONLY the NECESSARY materials and begin the study period. MAKE SURE to set a timer. Do NOT substitute time unless: blood, incapacitating pain, someone is hurting. Mealtimes are the only exception... #7--

5. When you miss meals, don't replace time during a scheduled hour with mealltime. Eat a quick meal (i.e. glass of milk and apple) before you start studies, instead of stopping to make food.

6. Move on to the next thing when it is time. Remember that what you accomplish needs to be considered "to your best ability" at that moment. If you want to do better, do that next time. It doesn't help to slack off in something else to study a subject you are finished with. Do not go over-time for anything. Breaks, study periods, sleeping, and others are all supposed to stay how they are.


7. Do NOT worry about people think if it's unnecessary!! i.e. worry about THEIR feelings and how I affect them, yet NOT what they THINK of me. Use your imagination: you are a princess!! You have a destiny, a responsibility, like Angelique! You are beautiful!

8. keep it up.

So, the next thing I'm going to do toward this plan (I have a hard time with converting my ideas into actions) is write in my planner a skeletal hourly schedule for next week, workout briefly, practice piano for as many hours as possible, then go to bed ontime.

New layout, by the way! It's sooo pretty! I just love close-ups of people's faces, it's like poetry describing someone, because that's where you see the true intensity of their eyes, and other features, that you might not have noticed from far away. The picture is under the label "layout".

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