Sunday, September 12, 2010

WoRk DaY! sUnDaY!

I have a mild earache in my right ear. It hurts to move my jaw sometimes, depending on the level of the swelling throughout the day. Right now, there are swimmers-ear ear-drops inside, and I can hear my heart beating-- tum tum. Tum tum. Tum tum. Tum tum.

It's weird.

Aaahhh!! Tickles!!

Work was good. I did fine. I feel like I can talk to people without being so shy now! Lunch was yummy, but right now my stomach feels as empty as ... as... the deepest place in the ocean where nothing goes or swims or grows. I am sooo tired, though. After this bit, I'm going to go and look for another job-- where I can play piano-- if I have the time for it.

*Bhuu huu wahh....* My ear is throbbing.

A guy I met at work was talking with me about how you can't trust your co-workers not to rag on you when you do something imperfect. He was complaining about how he gets in trouble all the time, and called to the office, about things he thinks people should just stop being so nosy about. Following rules, playing music loudly in his car, peeling away down the road after work, those sorts of things. Actually, I agree with him, but it's interesting to me how much people like to complain. About everything. If you can't complain about other people, then complain about how they're complaining about you. You've got to complain about something, or there won't be anything to talk about!


'Course... I kinda just did it too.


  1. Honestly, I think complaining is good in moderation. For me, It kind of helps me let out whatever is bugging me

  2. Yes, because if you don't complain, it's like denying that you're upset. I just remembered that today... :)


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