Sunday, September 5, 2010

Doubting again: Confused!

AAAA!!! I went to work today for the first time by myself, no orientating-- it was ALL ME. And I did fine! So far. I think this will work out!

I was thinking about how I wanted to choose music as my major... and I'm afraid it's a dumb idea... again... (self-doubts... digging hole for self... I'm melting....)

Really, though... I mean, logically-- maybe I should choose a more stable career to start with. I have to look into the options. I HATE LOOKING INTO OPTIONS. It's so much decision making. UGGGGH.

I dunno if I want to be involved in health stuff anymore. I could be a nurse, though, or a... podiatrist... ooh, I know, one of those doctors who does autopsies. No, I changed my mind. I barely get by as a nursing assistant caring for old people, it definitely wouldn't be better to take care of people who are dead.

SIGH. Okay. I will just have to analyze this for a while. Here, so you know what I'm *actually* considering...

music teacher in Japan      Language Interpreter     physical therapist
   and in the US later       (Japanese especially)      pharmacist
                                                                            doctor of some sort (cancer, feet, kids,
                                                                                surgeon, ER)
                                                                            speech pathologist (helps people
                                                                                speak, form words)

I had a thought when I was watching a dumb GAP commercial. "That's the thing about style-- if everybody liked your style, you couldn't call it that."

1 comment:

  1. To me, they all sound like very good ideas. If language interpeter is what you really want to do, I'd say go for it.


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