Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Time to Run!

I've decided to be really strict with myself, once and for all. I have one of those planners that obsessive people carry around, so now I'm going to use it to be obsessive about the way I spend time. I mean, I'm not naturally good with time, so I'm going to use my planner to actually DO the opposite: be efficient.

It's really simple. When I think of something I need to do, I write it down in my planner. Eventually I'll won't have to scribble and erase because I'll get used to the routine (and maybe won't even need the planner anymore). If I don't have my planner available, I can write it down on my "daynotes" computer file, on a piece of paper, or on my mirror. Mirror stuff should usually be specifically goal-related (BWFbPTJ) but if I have a random inspiration, I'll write on the mirror anyway.

I'll keep "appointments" and "to do items" separate, so that I make it to those essential activities (work, appointments, and meetings) right on time. Other "to-do" items are to be finished ASAP.  I will instead procrastinate on the fun things, instead saving them for later, just breaks, or just skip them altogether (these include watching TV or lolly-gaggling, etc).

I will either create time limits, or a set timer for my breaks. When I don't do one of those, I'm acknowledging that I won't be quitting for something like two hours, or more. That's not helpful, and I can beat myself up when I make a mistake, but I can't let my confidence get messed up over it. ♥

Oh. I have to go. I hear someone doing my dishes! : / Time to clean up. :)

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