Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day-notes! Tuesday!

This is in a file I have on my computer, "Daynotes".

call about fax!!!

start a car-miles notebook. I need to know how many miles I can go on one tank. It won't be accurate the 1st time, that's okay.

take your computer to computer-dude. DO this before I go look for jobs. It will get me out of the house, I don't have to do anything else.

planner check!

purple clipboard!
BIBLE - one ch.+
WORK - figure this out. do your best. this is going to be a time-consuming activity from here on, I've got to be a good employee and make my work something important, that I put effort in and make it worthy time spent.
DANCE - good posture, sit right, don't lay around....,workout - have good posture all day, dance-walk, jog and run, dance constantly,eat healthy, and write it down. weight.
PRACTICE - piano, try for 2 hours, ish
JAPANESE - do at least five hiragana, or more. carry around a notebook with a pencil or pen. Try not erasing so much.
READ - read something.
end of day: BWDPJR add two new ones: bible/work/dance/practice/japanese/read - that's SIX.

don't do everything laying down or in my bed, and sit at my desk during non-breaks!

confirm all references

find out date I can start work - is it August 25, Wednesday, or August 26, Thursday? What day do we arrive home, and at what time?

print resume.


call universities, churches, and schools about accompanying to find out about hours. Find out about class times - choir?

planner stuff write it on daynotes...

go to five places for work. I have to do it eventually, like jumping in a lake before you go swimming...

Paylmeir-sama; use your imagination! Be positive. Scoot past time with your motivation for other things.... but heaven isn't here yet, so don't lie to yourself!! This isn't it.

look at the sky! go barefoot! BREATHE! jump. go outside when you want, but avoid sunshine.
check out japanese school in Brighton?

How much will I do? Today, only today matters!


  1. I like this! I would try doing something like this, it's very organized looking. But I have OCPD, so everything I need to do is complexly drilled into my head.

  2. haha well then it's useful in that way! :) I have to go back and look at my lists or I forget them completely.


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