Wednesday, January 26, 2011


1. Make decisions. A lot.
2. attack problems. just go for it, just stare it right in the face.
3.  finish tasks and MOVE ON to the next. this includes walking the dog, taking breaks, and cleaning, which are things I usually spend to much time doing.

4. keep a level, in-control attitude AAT, if possible.

1. pray
2. bible tea/h2o
3. bath/wash/be clean
4. sleep

5. studies
   ~ sit down, write a list of the homework you need to get done that day.
   ~ create and order, and detail this list by answering the question: "What is the most relevant and efficient way of getting a perfect or as-good-as-possible grade in a reasonable amount of time?"
  ~ get comfy, cement yourself to the spot, and finish the list while keeping other priorities in mind.
6. exercise, lose weight, keep room and house clean.

choose the path of a task or the path of an avoidance?

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