Friday, January 14, 2011


It's going down the drain. Can I fix it? Will I be able to?

I missed class today. I was late. Being late makes me depressed, and then I avoid going at all. But I don't think I could have made it, and that's why I didn't try.

Anyway, I want to never do that again. It's nice to imagine a good ending.

Okay. Here's my list again, updated with ideas/tips for what I want to do tomorrow, an X means I did it today like I was supposed to:

[X] exercise
[  ] homework and chores NOW not later, imagine do homework and chores everyday ahead of time as much as possible. 
[  ]work on job searching progress as time allows, goal is to find a job ASAP
[  ]japanese (ch 3+4) 
[  ]clean room entirely
[  ]piano real 20
[  ]bible 10

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