Thursday, November 4, 2010

Anxious at Work!

I saw my counselor on Tuesday. (Stupid spell check! Why on earth do weekdays need to be capitalized???) Talking about my issues (haha) made me realize something I've remembered before: I have "anxiety".

But today at work, (I'm a nursing assistant) it really affected me. As I got more and more behind with my tasks, I got more and more anxious, to the point where I couldn't think straight, or really, at all. I can't use the excuse that I'm new anymore, as good as it is. It's not exactly an excuse I can use now. I really do have anxiety. Not ADD! Anxiety!

So even though I'm not planning on taking pills for this (I might try them, I just don't like the idea) I really do need to find normal ways to counter anxiety like that. It's silly, and it seems easy to get away from when I talk about it, but it is very hard, in fact.

It's like everything is pressing in at once-- I lose my thoughts as soon as I think them, I do things too quickly, dropping pens and gloves, tripping over furniture and laundry, rushing the patients, and being unable to decide on which task to start first. When I do start a task, I can't stick with it because I suddenly come up with the weird idea that I should start another task first, just because. So I'll try to do both at once and take even longer to finish.

Haha... um... this sounds-- metaphorically-- like the way I deal with my life.

Okay. This is something I have to look into.

PROBLEM - I get anxious, slow, and erroneous

RESULT - I'm disorganized, late, a klutz, irresponsible

1. face my anxiety - say "I'm anxious" or "I'm freaking out" or "I'm worried" etc
2. think of all the tasks in your head, then pick the one you need to do first, then focus ONLY on that (if possible) till you finish.

Okie-dokie. Face it, think of everything, pick the important-est one, and focus on one thing at a time.

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