Thursday, October 13, 2011

My feet!

I went to a new doctor about my feet-- my new podiatrist-- last week. It was super fun, he was nice!  I got my right foot no. left foot, X rayed. And I have a... ah... um... pa no. Bipartite sesmoid. It's on the inner part the ball of my left foot. Basically, the round part, on the bottom of my foot, right in line with the big toe. A "sesmoid" is normal, but mine is divided into two parts instead of just being whole.

So, when I dance (the regular kind or DDR, the stomping especially)  the stomping and stepping makes the two little bones separate. The bones really are supposed to stay together, and are probably held together by a ligament or something. So it hurts when they get pulled apart. And I get pain so it hurts to walk and it doesn't get better for weeks. Plus I can't dance.

But it's okay, the doctor said I can get modified shoe inserts to leave space for my weird foot bone. That way the bone will not get pressed on when I step, and I'll be able to do whatever I want. I'm hoping to get some new, lighter shoes that feel more like socks than klunky tennies. Then I'll put the inserts in and I can still dance feeling barefoot, but with support and my feet won't get any other problems.

I'm going back again to the doctor, and here's stuff I've got to ask my podiatrist:
how many other people have the weird bone in their foot? like how common?
can we xray the other foot for the same problem?
what about the arthritis (maybe) in my right ankle?
why... again, does it hurt my foot when I step to much? is it the ligament?

k then.

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