Monday, February 20, 2012

Boundaries, Goals, and knowing yourself

My boundaries are much better when I respect myself; when I am more of a distinct person; and to define it more clearly I'll type: a person with a life-plan, a future. A person with a plan has something to respect-- a reason and a meaning for existence. Without a plan, there is less to respect, know, and distinguish. When some big deal happens to me, I become aware of God's plan for me, my own plans,my true potential, my powers, and take on an easy confidence. That doesn't mean I'm happy, it just means I realize that this big deal is something I must be aware of. I sit up straighter, start paying attention, and think about what I can do in the situation. This awareness makes me see the truth, which is that I have confidence based on my true potential. That confidence does not take any "work" to create; I used to think confidence in yourself is hard to have because I didn't have the STRENGTH to just TAKE it already. But confidence is not an obtainable thing. It's a characteristic that I can use only when I've gained the power to see the truth about myself.

I think clearer with plans, goals, and deadlines because they look toward the future. Accepting the truth of death and clocks is, in essence, looking toward the future-- because my goal is beyond death and time.

Ultimately, what I might be trying to say here is that looking at your life from a distant perspective, where you're seeing the entire thing, and you say, "here's the starting point, here's the plan, and down there at the end is the goal" -- THAT is something that will help you make the right decisions, and come closer to being happy.

I'm able to talk about all this "goal" stuff because my goal is kinda cool.

Beware, religious stuff: What I think is: for the second time, Jesus will come back here. He'll wake up the "sleeping" people, and take those sleepyheads, plus the those who are still alive, to heaven where there are beautiful and happy things (don't take this like it's cheesy) and we will belong in a family that loves one another. I adore this truth, because I don't think death makes sense. I think death can't keep going on like this-- live and die. Baby grows up, dies. Over and over. Nope. Eternal life is totally cooler.

(I'm SDA and we interpret the Bible teachings to say this.)

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